
Usage of preserved crushed corn gives the opportunity to grow late and more productive cereals varieties, providing animals with high quality forage year-round.
 In the article are shown the results of studies the effect of feeding crushed maize corn with high humidity, preserved by bacterial preparations KT-L 18/1 on the physiological status and productivity of replacement heifer
 The studies were conducted on the conditions of SE RF “Obroshyne” in Pustomyty district, Lviv region. Three variants of crushed maize grain with 31.4% moisture content were used: control, without preservation, the first experimental was preserved by chemical preparation - carbon-ammonium salt (CAS), 3% by weight, the second experimental - with the probiotic preparation KT-L 18/1, 8.0 ml per 1 kg of grain. Effect of feeding this grain was studied in three groups of Ukrainian black and white dairy replacement heifer cattle, analogues age and body weight.
 Analysis of the chemical composition of maize grain after 70 days storage showed that the content of dry matter in control and experimental variants was 98.3; 98.9 and 100% respectively, so preserving crushed MAIZE grain with 31-32% humidity by KT-L 18/1 at dose of 8.0 ml per 1 kg of grain provides to almost 100% retention of dry matter.
 Preservation of crude protein was 96.0%, in the experimental variants its content was higher than in the raw material by 0.31 and 0.16%, respectively. In the variant with CAS probably is due to the presence of ammonium salts, in the variant with KT-L 18/1 - by microbial pool of preparations
 It is noted that the feeding replacement heifer crushed maize grain, preserved by KT-L 18/1, in the composition of the grain mixture (15% by weight) does not negatively affect on the morphological parameters their blood. Established tendency to increase the of red blood cells level and the degree of hemoglobin saturation of heifers from experimental variants, which may indicate an increase in the intensity of redox processes. Study of protein spectrum of animals blood serum showed a significant increase in total protein contetnt, albumin and γ-globulin fractions, its indice a normal liver functional condition. Increased albumin concentration in the animals of the experimental variants led to an increase in protein index, which is proof of an efficient proteins metabolism compared to animals n control variant. Shown a direct correlation between the concentration of albumin, the main plastic material in the synthesis of tissue proteins and average daily live weight gain of heifers.
 The average daily weight gain in the experimental variants was 528 and 538 g, it was 4.6
 and 6.3 % higher than in the control variant (505 g).
 The microbial preparation KT-L 18/1 can be used as a preservative for crushed corn with high humidity.


  • Збереженість сирого протеїну склала 96,0 %, а у дослідних варіантах його вміст був вищим, ніж у сировині відповідно на 0,31 та 0,16 абс.%

  • Three variants of crushed maize grain with 31.4% moisture content were used: control, without preservation, the first experimental was preserved by chemical preparation - carbonammonium salt (CAS), 3% by weight, the second experimental - with the probiotic preparation KTL 18/1, 8.0 ml per 1 kg of grain

  • Effect of feeding this grain was studied in three groups of Ukrainian black and white dairy replacement heifer cattle, analogues age and body weight

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Usage of preserved crushed corn gives the opportunity to grow late and more productive cereals varieties, providing animals with high quality forage year-round. Three variants of crushed maize grain with 31.4% moisture content were used: control, without preservation, the first experimental was preserved by chemical preparation - carbonammonium salt (CAS), 3% by weight, the second experimental - with the probiotic preparation KTL 18/1, 8.0 ml per 1 kg of grain Effect of feeding this grain was studied in three groups of Ukrainian black and white dairy replacement heifer cattle, analogues age and body weight. При вирішенні проблеми збереження фуражного зерна одним із таких способів є його консервування з використанням різних хімічних і біологічних консервантів з наступним анаеробним зберіганням (Volkohon et al, 2015). В останні роки набуває поширення технологія консервування вологого зернофуражу, зокрема плющеного зерна кукурудзи за використання біологічних консервантів, виготовлених на основі високоактивних штамів гомоферментативних молочнокислих бактерій (Koniukhov, 2004; Chumachenko et al, 2018; Fedak et al, 2018; Perederii, 2018). У цьому ж господарстві проведено дослід на трьох групах ремонтних телиць української чорно-рябої молочної породи, аналогів за віком та живою масою за схемою (табл. 1)

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