
Defining the level and value of the appropriate parameters is very significant in seeing the quality in mechanical properties of the injection molding products, particularly affecting the advanced material such as nanocomposites. Consequently, this study was aimed to optimize the processing conditions to the mechanical properties of the sample in nanocomposite polypropylene reinforced with Gigantochloa Scortechinii fiber. The tests to be tested were flexural strength, shrinkage and warpage, and the factor chosen were melting temperature, filling time, packing pressure and screw speed. The bamboo fiber types Gigantochloa Scortechinii in form nano powder, and preheat at 120˚C after alkaline treatment, and so blended with polypropylene, Maleic anhydride, and cloisite 20A using two step of twin-screw extruder brabender. According the result from ANOVA, the flexural strength and shrinkage for 0wt% and 3wt% of Gigantochloa Scortechinii fiber, the most influence parameter is filling time, while the melt temperature for 6wt% of gigantochlia scortechinii fiber. For the result of warpage, for 0wt% and 3wt% of fiber Gigantochloa Scortechinii, the melting temperature is the highest factor prevailing warpage. Whereas for 6wt% of the fiber Gigantochloa Scortechinii, the packing pressure and screw speed are the highest factor. The conclusions of this study will be invaluable for quality dominance and benchmarking for future researchers.

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