
Up to the present shunting work at depots has been performed manually by many employees such as daily shunting plan makers, signalers, train guides, and drivers. This work is cooperative work that requires, each worker to be in close contact with the other workers. Additionally, shunting work partially includes heavy, dirty and dangerous work. To simplify this complicated process, based on the concept of giving the driver the ability perform shunting single-handedly, the Computer Aided Total Shunting Sytem is being developed. This system aims to bring about a fundamental improvement in shunting work in our depots. Although the Computer Aided Total Shunting currently being constructed and tested at Nakahara depot on the Nambu line is not scheduled for completion until the end of fiscal year 1994, here we present a summary of the points and purposes of the research. 1 The Current State of Shunting Work In order to satisfy rolling stock scheduling plans which are based on the train diagrams (daily and weekly schedules of all trains), periodic rolling stock maintenance (routine inspections, equipment inspections and maintenance), trainset rearrangement, washing and cleaning operations, etc... are carried out in depots. When making a shunting plan, not only must shunting plan makers follow the rolling stock schedule plan, but also it is not possible to carry out types of work on certain tracks in the yard. For example, washing the outside of rolling stock is limited to tracks that have washing equipment and are close to water supplies. Thus, in order to carry Transactions on the Built Environment vol 7, © 1994 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509 74 Railway Operations out work within these limited facilities efficiently, shunting work is required. This shunting work is composed of two parts. The first involves creating the rolling stock shunting schedules in order to carry out work in the depot. The second part carries out the actual shunting of the trains in accordance with this shunting schedule. The way these duties are carried out using current methods is described below. Making the Shunting Schedule Because the rolling stock schedule and rolling stock's objectives are changed daily the shunting plan maker prepares a shunting plan everyday. He then transmits its contents to signalers, train guides, drivers etc. ..In order to decrease the number of shunting operations, a veteran plan maker who is extremely familiar with the peculiarities of his specific depot is required to prepare this plan. shunting Operations Signalers and train guides carry out the work of route setting and signalling in obedience to the shunting schedule and advance conditions. The driver of the rolling stock then operates his train in accordance to these wayside signals and indications. 2 Problems with the Present System and the Aims of Development Assessing the problems with the present system and the corresponding aims of development we have the following: Problems i ) Shunting work partially includes 3D work(3D = dirty, difficult, and dangerous) and thus should be eliminated. It also requires extensive manual labor which will become scarce in the future due to Japan's rapidly aging population. ii) Current shunting work requires an expert to make the shunting schedule. Aims of Development i ) To create the daily shunting schedule automatically ii) To allow the driver to start shunting work using a wireless radio iii) To perform the required shunting route control automatically iv) To have shunted cars always be controlled from the front of the trainset with the train moving forward (This point eliminates the situation where a driver must push a trainset with an engine from behind.) Transactions on the Built Environment vol 7, © 1994 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509 Railway Operations 75 3 Development Purposes and Requirements The development purposes and requirements are shown in the next table. Table 1 The development purposes and requirements

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