
Due to the increasing presence of electric vehicles (EVs) in urban electricity distribution networks, distribution network operators face the challenge of energy management. A smart parking lot (SPL), renewable energy sources (RESs) such as photovoltaic systems (PV) and wind turbines (WT), and local dispatchable generators (LDG) such as microturbines (MT) and fuel cells (FC) are integrated as a microgrid (MG) while an energy management system is presented in this study which considers the uncertainties of wind speed, solar irradiation, and load consumption. The optimal operation of the SPL, which serves as a load and energy generation source for the distribution network, is done in this article with the goal of lowering costs. To cut costs, demand response program (DRP) based on a time of use (TOU) tariff is utilized, which moves a part of load from on-peak to off-peak time intervals, flattening the load curve. The goal is to reduce the operational expenses of the upstream grid (UG), LDGs, and SPL while taking into account the technical and physical limits of the units. Furthermore, for dealing with the uncertainties of load consumption and wind generation, this research employs a new uncertainty modeling method based on Hong's two-point estimate method. The suggested model is investigated by applying the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) software and is formulated as mixed linear programming (MIP). The suggested model includes both a spinning reserve of LDG and a SPL, and the simulation results verified that the DRP has a good impact on lowering operation costs.

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