
The article studies onyms with the root крас- (красн-), based on the Lexical Indexes of Ukrainian Historical Dictionaries stored in the Ukrainian Language Department of the I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, and in published lexicons such as "Dictionary of Old Ukrainian Language of the ХІV–ХV Centuries" (Kyiv, 1977–1978), "Historical Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language" edited by Ye. Tymchenko (Kharkiv, Kyiv, 1930, Vol. 1), and "Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language of ХVІ – the First Half of ХVІІ Century" (Lviv, 1994–2017, Iss. 1–17).
 In the first place, such onomastic classes have been analyzed: anthroponyms, toponyms, in particular, oikonyms, microtoponyms, hydronyms, and microhydronyms, which are commonly found in business documents all over Ukraine and beyond (Greece, Romania). A rich anthroponymic vocabulary is stated in the Lviv Stauropegion Brotherhood's documents.
 Much attention is given to the structure and word formation of these names. As been noted, in historical sources of the investigated period, single-component anthroponyms prevail, while toponymic names are mostly two-component. Complex formations are observed in such onomastic classes as anthroponyms and oikonyms, in which the first component is an attribute with the root крас- (красн-), and the second is an appellativus. One of the productive constructions of the toponymic system of the time is the "adjective + noun" model, which demonstrates one of the ways of Ukrainian onyms emergence.
 Moreover, a rich palette is revealed by microtoponymic names (names of fields, woods, groves, meadows, tracts, mountains, lands, etc.), in which the motivating features are the "color of the landscape" and "beauty" – "the quality of something beautiful".
 Additionally, the article at most illustrates the usage of the investigated names in written sources of ХІV-ХVІІІ centuries.
 Eventually, the study pays attention to the functioning of names with the root крас- (красн-) nowadays. As investigated, such names show traditionality and originality in developing Ukrainian onomastic heritage.

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