
The purpose of the work was to determine the significance of the personal contribution of the Kharkiv foundryscientist professor Oleg Oleksandrovich Shatagin to the development and improvement of the technological processof continuous casting of blanks from metals and alloys. Biographical data of the scientist are provided, his path to thedevelopment and implementation of continuous casting in production processes at numerous industrial enterprises isshown. It is noted that the development of the technological process took place not only because of the enthusiasmand efficiency of O.O. Shatagin, but mostly on the basis of his scientific approaches, which were later embodied indissertations for obtaining a scientific degree, first a candidate of technical sciences, and later a doctor of technicalsciences. The scientist's scholarly achievements and public recognition of his scientific activity are noted. The featuresof one of the latest projects, which was managed by Professor O.O. Shatagin and which was dedicated to the creationof a new generation machine for vertical semi-continuous casting of hollow cylindrical blanks of large diameters fromnon-ferrous metals and alloys, were revealed. It is shown that despite the objective circumstances that did not allowthe project to be fully implemented, the value of this project for the development of science, engineering andtechnology is undeniable. The conclusions state that thanks to Oleg Oleksandrovych's talent, diligence and hard work,dozens of continuous casting machines are still working at industrial enterprises today, which definitely gives reasonto consider him an outstanding personality in the field of continuous casting technologies of metals and alloys.

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