The oxygen content in the atmospheric air of cities, as well as in residential, office and industrial premises is the most important factor in the health and well-being of citizens. With high temperature and high absolute humidity of the surface air, the oxygen content in ambient air is minimal, and people may suffer hypoxia. In the industrial southern cities to which the city of Mariupol (Ukraine) belongs, there are additional factors that impede human breathing: higher (relative to the territory surrounding the city) air temperature and pollution of the atmosphere, including carbon monoxide and suspended particles. This results in an increase in the morbidity and mortality of the urban population under the conditions of abnormal heat and industrial emissions. Accurate measurements of partial pressure and partial density of oxygen require special equipment and techniques, since the percentage of oxygen in ambient air is large enough, and its changes are relatively small. Most modern instruments used by urban atmospheric monitoring services are focused on measuring significant deviations of oxygen content from the norm. Air quality monitoring services do not usually measure the density of oxygen, apparently due to the implicit assumption of the negligible effect of weather conditions changes on its content. In addition, the measurement of small changes in the oxygen content in the surface air is a rather complicated technical task. The paper presents an attempt to analytically determine the distribution of oxygen concentrations in the surface layers of the atmosphere around the places of oxygen runoff from the atmosphere at metallurgical enterprises of Mariupol, provides an analytical model based on the theory of «reverse flow» in a one-dimensional formulation of oxygen flow from the surface layer. The corresponding concentration contour lines were obtained at various distances from the oxygen sink sites. In doing so, the oxygen concentration decreases inversely with the distance from the drain, which makes it quite easy to estimate the distribution of concentrations in the surface layer of the atmosphere around the metallurgical enterprises at known coordinates of its drain points in calm weather. The spatial variability and episodes of anomalous oxygen content in the surface air have been analyzed from considerations of their possible effect on people’s well-being
В работе представлена попытка аналитического определения распределения концентраций кислорода в приземных слоях атмосферы вокруг мест стока кислорода из атмосферы на металлургических предприятиях г
In the industrial southern cities to which the city of Mariupol (Ukraine) belongs, there are additional factors that impede human breathing: higher air temperature and pollution of the atmosphere, including carbon monoxide and suspended particles. This results in an increase in the morbidity and mortality of the urban population under the conditions of abnormal heat and industrial emissions
The paper presents an attempt to analytically determine the distribution of oxygen concentrations in the surface layers of the atmosphere around the places of oxygen runoff from the atmosphere at metallurgical enterprises of Mariupol, provides an analytical model based on the theory of «reverse flow» in a one-dimensional formulation of oxygen flow from the surface layer
При этом концентрация кислорода снижается обратно пропорционально расстоянию от стока, что позволяет достаточно просто оценивать распределение концентраций в приземном слое атмосферы вокруг металлургических предприятий при известных координатах мест его стока в безветренную погоду. Что работа металлургических предприятий в области природоохранных мероприятий недостаточно компенсирует выбросы вредных веществ в окружающую среду и необходимо продолжить работы по снижению техногенной нагрузки и модернизации оборудования. В условиях сильной летней жары в городе и техногенной обстановки в зоне влияния металлургических комбинатов на ближайших территориях от промышленных предприятий в последние несколько лет оказывались, кроме мариупольчан, жители и других городов Украины, например, г. В то же время, в городских районах высокого риска, в жилых и служебных помещениях содержание (концентрация) кислорода в воздухе значительно меньше (20%), что приводит к возникновению у людей гипоксии (кислородной недостаточности). Классификация типов погоды по влиянию на самочувствие людей по отклонениям плотности атмосферного кислорода от его среднего (285 г/м3) значения в атмосфере Земли [10]
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