
The paper considers non-linear self-consistent electric potential equation (Sec. I), due to a cloud made of a single species of electric charges, satisfying a Boltzmann distribution law (Sec. II). Exact solutions are obtained in a simple logarithmic form, in three cases: (Sec. III) spherical radial symmetry; (Sec. IV) plane parallel symmetry; (Sec. V) a special case of azimuthal-cylindrical symmetry. All these solutions, and their transformations (Sec. VI), involve the Debye-Hückel radius; the latter was originally defined from a solution of the linearized self-consistent potential equation. Using an exact solution of the self-consistent potential equation, the distance at which the potential vanishes differs from the Debye-Hückel radius by a factor of 2. The preceding (Secs. II–VI) simple logarithmic exact solutions of the self-consistent potential equations involve no arbitrary constants, and thus are special or singular integrals not the general integral. The general solution of the self-consistent potential equation is obtained in the plane parallel case (Sec. VII), and it involves two arbitrary constants that can be reduced to one via a translation (Sec. VIII). The plots of dimensionless potential (Figure 1), electric field (Figure 2), charge density (Figure 3), and total charge between ζ and infinity (Figure 4), versus distance normalized to Debye-Hückel radius ζ ≡ z/a, show that (Sec. IX) there is a continuum of solutions, ranging from a charge distribution concentrated inside the Debye-Hückel radius to one spread-out beyond it. The latter case leads to the limiting case of logarithmic potential, and stronger electric field; the former case, of very concentrated charge distribution, leads to a fratricide effect and weaker electric field.

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