
Editorial note [from the editors of Zhongguo shehui kexue]: This essay takes the position that the categories ti (substance) and yong (function) are a pair of categories that suffice to express the characteristics of the mode of theoretical reasoning and thought of the Chinese people. It posits that these categories, or rather, this category [in the sense that the two are symbiotic and intertwined] is a product of the development of Chinese philosophy itself. The fundamental connotations of this category of ti-yong are: first, it is a relationship between reality and its effects, functions, and character; second, it is a relationship between ontological substance (essential nature) and phenomenon. In [the history of China's ancient and modern philosophy], a set of complex and interlocking struggles has developed around this category of ti-yong between materialism and idealism, between dialectics and metaphysics, and [these struggles] have left us with very rich experiences and lessons in the area of theor...

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