In this paper we apply certain classical results of S. Mazur, J. Keisler, A. Tarski and N.Th. Varopoulos to the theory of countably compact topological groups. For example, under a mild restriction on the cardinality of a compact group G, it is proved that there is no strictly stronger countably compact group topology on G. If f is a one-to-one continuous mapping of a countably compact topological group of countable tightness onto a compact Hausdorff space X, then X is metrizable. If a countably compact topological group of countable tightness acts continuously and transitively on a compact Hausdorff space X, then X is metrizable. Among the questions left unsettled is this: Let f be a sequentially continuous homomorphism of a compact topological group G onto a topological group H. Is then H countably compact? Equivalently, is then H totally bounded? Under Martin's axiom this question is answered positively.
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