
Objective of the article is to open main tasks of the #OlympicLab and to show projects’ achievements and results. Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization, the method of analogy, comparative-historical and descriptive statistics. Results. Olympic movement and Olympic education, as well as sport in general, is becoming increasingly popular in society. It gives new challenges adaptation of sustainable projects to the modern needs of the population. Olympic Academy of Ukraine is one of the best Olympic Academies in the whole world. In addition to the Olympic education projects conducted by the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, there is a network of the schools of Olympic education in Ukraine, which curriculum contains additional lessons and activities in Olympic education. Analyzing current position of the Olympic education in Ukraine, we can come to the conclusion that all projects are already sustainable and are those that have met the tasks, but our world is developing too fast. That is why we have to take into consideration “time’” requirements. #OlympicLab – is a new form of the Olympic education. The project is up to the modern demands and has free access for everyone who would like to be acquainted with all aspects of the Olympic movement and sport. In turn, #OlympicLab includes 6 modules which are based on the Learn and Share program of the Youth Olympic Games and the annual NOC of Ukraine project – Olympic lesson. #OlympicLab project was launched in Ukraine in 2016. From 2016 to October 2018, the number of participants of the #OlympicLab is more than 33,210 persons. Also, for this period 934 educational institutions took part in the project, and more than 155 events were held throughout Ukraine. Conclusion. The increasing number of participants, educational institutions and events of the #OlympicLab shows rise of popularity of the project and its’ development. The #OlympicLab tasks confirm the flexibility and complexity along with the multi-functionality of the project tasks themselves. #OlympicLab project is being improved and developed, we hope to promote it and offer it to the National Olympic Committees in other countries. Keywords: Olympic education, #OlympicLab, Olympic movement.

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