Ocular drug delivery has been a major challenge for clinical pharmacologists and biomaterial scientists due to intricate and unique anatomical and physiological barriers in the eye. The critical requirement varies from anterior and posterior ocular segments from a drug delivery perspective. Recently, many new drugs with special formulations have been introduced for targeted delivery with modified methods and routes of drug administration to improve drug delivery efficacy. Current developments in nanoformulations of drug carrier systems have become a promising attribute to enhance drug retention/permeation and prolong drug release in ocular tissue. Biodegradable polymers have been explored as the base polymers to prepare nanocarriers for encasing existing drugs to enhance the therapeutic effect with better tissue adherence, prolonged drug action, improved bioavailability, decreased toxicity, and targeted delivery in eye. In this review, we summarized recent studies on sustained ocular drug/gene delivery and emphasized on the nanocarriers made by biodegradable polymers such as liposome, poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA), chitosan, and gelatin. Moreover, we discussed the bio-distribution of these nanocarriers in the ocular tissue and their therapeutic applications in various ocular diseases.
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the total population worldwide in 2017 was around 7.5 billion, of which 253 million people suffer from vision impairment and 36 million are blind (4.8%) [1]
The current treatment modality for most ocular diseases requires frequent intraocular injections, with the concomitant risks associated with any invasive intraocular procedure
Inflammatory cytokines, such as interferon γ–induced protein-10 (IP-10) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) were decreased and associated clinical signs such as fluorescein staining and tear production improved. These results show that plasmid carrying MUC5AC gene (pMUC5AC)-gelatin nanoparticles (GPs) has a great potential as nanomedicine in the treatment of DED
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the total population worldwide in 2017 was around 7.5 billion, of which 253 million people suffer from vision impairment and 36 million are blind (4.8%) [1]. The eye is the organ of the visual system and an important tissue for vision. It is a globular structure with a diameter of 24 mm, and a mass of approximately 7.5 g in humans. The posterior segment of the human eye includes the vitreous humor, retina, macula, optic nerve, choroid, and sclera [2]. The eye is a slow blood circulation organ with many physiological barriers (Figure 1), meant to keep the systemic circulation separate from ocular tissues. FFiigguurree11..SScchheemmaattiiccddiiaaggrraammoofftthheeooccuulalarrssttrruuccttuurreewwitithhvvaarrioiouussooccuulalarrbbaarrrieierrss..TThheeooccuullaarrbbaarrrriieerrss iinntthheeaanntteerriioorrsseeggmmeennttaarreeaa(I(I))tteeaarrfiflimlmaannddccoorrnneeaalleeppitithheeliluiumm,,aanndd((IIII))aaqquueeoouusshhuummoorr..TThheeooccuullaarr bbaarrrriieerrssinintthheeppoosstteerrioiorrsseeggmmeennttaarree(I(IIII))sscclleerraa,,((IIVV)) cchhoorrooiidd,,aanndd((VV))vviittrreeoouusshhuummoorr..TThheerreeaarreettwwoo BBRRBBss..TThheeblbolodo–da–qauqeuoeuosubsabrrairerrieinr tihnetahnetearnioterrsieogrmseegnmt, eanpta, rat cpoamrtpcoosmedpoofstehde onfonth-peignmone-npteigdmcielniatreyd ecpiliitahreyliaelpciethllesliaanldceirlils caanpdilliarrisiecsaepnidlloatrhieesliaenl cdeoltlsh.eTlihael cBeRllBs,. aThtieghBtR-juBn, catitoinghbte-jtuwnecetnionobne-ftewneeesntrantoendcfaepniellsatriaetsedofctahpeirlleatrinieasl bolfoothdecirrectuinlaatliobnloaondd creirtcinualal tpioignmaenndt erpeittihnealliaplicgemllsenint tehpeitphoesltiaelriocerlslsegimn etnhte opfotshteereiyoer.segment of the eye
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