
According to World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015 had 42 million children who were overweight. This figure rose 31 million from 2000. Obesity adolescents tend to have an impact on learning achievement and on their health.The purpose of this study was stundents in senior high school 3 bulukumba. 265 respondents sampling technigue used consecutive sampling technigue this type of research is an analytical study with a cross sectional approach. The test used for the relationship of obesity whit student achievement is the fisher’s exect test while the test used for the relationship of parental work with student achievement is the kolmogorov smirnov test.The results of the study are respondents with type 1 obesity with good achievement scores of 27 respondents (87.1%) and achievement scores of less than 4 respondents (12.9%). While respondents with type 2 obesity with good performance scores were 9 respondents (56.2%) and achievement scores were less than 7 respondents. And the work of parents as PNS with a good achievement value of 15 respondents (93.8%) and less achievent scores of 1 respondents (1.6%). While respondents with the work of parents as entrepreneurs with good achievement scores of 10 respondents (55.6%) and achievement scores of less than 8 respondents (44.4%). Then the work of parents as farmers with good performance scores as many as 11 respondents. While the achievement score is less than 2 respondents (3.8%).The conclusion of this study is theres is a relationship of obesity with the achievement of students in senior high scholl 3 Bulukumba between parental work and the achievement of students in high school 3 Bulukumba. As for the suggestion in this study can add library references and student insights on Sitekes Panrita Husada Bulukumba.

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