
This article is an essay on the process of formation of legal discourse, following the space-time grids in the production of its assumptions of legitimacy. The theoretical basis for the research is the semiotic approach of Umberto Eco, based on the sleeping car metaphor. As references to deal with the background that serves as a foundation for legal discourse in Brazil, the article uses Sergio Buarque de Holanda’s book Raizes do Brasil and Jesse Souza’s book Modernizacao seletiv a. It assumes that moderthe spatial distinctions (due to different processes of occupation and colonization) and the diverse experiences of the discourses on time (pre-modern, modern and post-modern) represent the different speeds of social relations. Thus, there would be one and the same discourse but with opposite results when imprinted on different imagined social communities. Keywords: legal discourse, dualistic reason, (de)coloniality, selective modernization.


  • This article is an essay on the process of formation of legal discourse, following the space-time grids in the production of its assumptions of legitimacy

  • Entender o significado das palavras, das expressões, dos discursos e das práticas exige que, habitualmente, se procure estar em lugares diferentes, estar atento aos variados pontos de vista sobre a questão

  • 255).A concepção moderna de vida é extremamente dúbia e gerou uma drástica dualidade de perspectivas, uma aventura em busca de um tesouro não existente, como Berman expôs: “Ser moderno é encontrar-se em um ambiente que promete aventura, poder, alegria, crescimento, autotransformação, transformação das coisas em redor – mas ao mesmo tempo ameaça destruir tudo o que temos, tudo o que sabemos, tudo o que somos”

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This article is an essay on the process of formation of legal discourse, following the space-time grids in the production of its assumptions of legitimacy. A ocupação do espaço, o tempo e a velocidade das transformações no mundo não foram uniformes.

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