
Abstract . Introduction: As result of deepening of international cooperation of our state, the need for expanding knowledge of foreign languages is growing. As Ukraine closely cooperates with other states, especially in the field of agriculture, new lexical units are constantly emerging, including terms that require adequate translation. Purpose : to follow the main techniques and translation transformations that are used during the translation of the terms of the agrarian sphere from German into Ukrainian. Results : Terminology of agrarian management is an important component of the vocabulary of individuals involved in it, because the success of cooperation with foreign colleagues depends on the knowledge of the foreign language of the representatives of this sphere. In view of this, there is growing need to explore ways to adequately transfer terms from source to target language. Therefore, in order to achieve the adequacy of the translation of terms in the field of agrarian management, it is necessary to take into account their lexical and semantic peculiarities. “Term is present in almost all scientific disciplines, but it is difficult to give clear definition to this notion, since today its common definition is not available. M. Glushko defines as word or phrase used to express the notion and meaning of objects possessing distinct semantic boundaries and therefore uniquely within certain classified system. O. Akhmanova defines the term as a word or phrase of special (scientific, technical, etc.) language that is created, received or borrowed for the exact expression of special concepts and the designation of special objects. During the translation of terms, including the terms in the field of agrarian management, lexical and grammatical indicators must be taken into account, that is, mixed context is important, that is, it is necessary to determine which of the meanings of word should be chosen. Different techniques are used for the translation of terms, namely, translation transformations, such as: lexical, lexical-semantic, lexico-grammatical. The main task of translation transformation is to precisely convey the meaning of the term, which is translated. Originality : the main methods of translation of terms from agricultural management sphere from german into ukrainian language are: 1) equivalent translation 2) transcription and transliteration 3) transcoding 4) tracing 5) descriptive translation Conclusion : Thus, it is determined that the main methods of translation of the terms of the sphere of agrarian management can be called equivalent translation, transcription, tracing and descriptive translation. It is also determined that the terms of the sphere of agrarian management, according to their structure, can be divided into simple, complex and phrasal terms. It is established that for the purpose of adequate translation of terms an important role is played by the context which takes into account the information which goes beyond the linguistic environment of the word. Further research may be related to other variants of the use of transformations and techniques during the translation of the terminology of the agrarian sector.

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