
NYLON fabrics may be an important factor in production and prolongation of skin diseases, notably in persons with vasospastic disease of feet. Since very shortly after its release on market, nylon has been implicated in etiology of dermatoses because of sensitization of skin to dyes and fabric finishes used in manufacture of nylon garments. Search of literature fails to reveal any report of skin disease caused by nylon itself. In my personal experience, lesions of the pernio type have been produced and reproduced by contact with nylon cloth, probably because of its lack of absorbency. It seems likely that nylon may also play a part in other dermatoses in which sweating, moisture, and maceration are involved. REPORT OF CASE R. G. C., a physician, aged 39, has developed swollen, painful heels late each fall since 1948. At least twice previously, probably in winters of 1941-1942 and 1942-1943, similar lesions had developed but were

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