
Grombyang is one of the typical food from Pemalang Central Java which sold freshly in restaurant or food stall. To marketed commercially outside Pemalang, several parts of grombyang seasoning was made in instant form. The study aimed to analyze the content of nutrients (protein, and fat), and rancidity test contained in each grombyang seasoning which is dry galangal, fried onion, coconut srundeng, a mix of tauco, kluwek and palm sugar. Another aim was to analyze the number of bacteria in grombyang seasoning. The protein test used Kjeldahl method, and fat test used Soxhletasi method. While the bacteria test using Total Plate Number (ALT) method of bacteria and rancidity test using Thio Barbiturate Acid (TBA) method. The results showed that the protein content of each spice component such as srundeng coconut grombyang was 10.8%, petis 12.4%, fried onion 25.9%, palm sugar (aren) 12.3%. Fat content in spice component of grombyang for srundeng kelapa grombyang 41.2%, 50.7%, petis 12.3%, fried onion 24.9%, aren 51.5%. Total Plate Count Test (ALT) of the bacteria showed that total bacteria found in spice grombyang was 12.1 × 105 CFU/ml. It can be concluded that the highest protein content found in fried onions and the highest fat content found in palm sugar. Also, spice Grombyang had the number of microbes that were in the standard range of BPOM No. 16 of 2016 (10 × 108 - 10 × 109 CFU/ml).

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