
Steam flooding is an effective method to enhance oil recovery in heavy oil reservoirs. However, the influence factors of steam flooding will affect the development of heavy oil reservoir after the traditional water flooding. So the dynamic prediction of steam flooding needs to be performed before the development scheme is implemented. In this study, the 3D reservoir model was established by the reservoir numerical simulation software CMG; Combined with operating parameters of oilfield, the influence of steam temperature, steam injection timing and steam quality on the development effect of L7 block in offshore heavy oil reservoir was studied by using 3D reservoir model. The results show that compared with traditional water flooding, steam flooding has better development effect, and the cumulative oil production can reach 100.673 × 104m3; With the increase of steam temperature and steam quality, the cumulative oil production, incremental oil production and heat efficiency have an increasing trend; This result also suggests that the development method of higher steam temperature and steam quality conforms to the principle of economic development; For steam injection timing, the earlier the steam injection is more conducive to better development results.

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