Ferroelectric field-effect transistor (FeFET) memory is currently a popular non-volatile memory. It has many advantages such as nonvolatility, better scalability, energy-efficient switching with non-destructive read-out and anti-radiation. To promote the application of FeFET in radiation environments, the single-event transient effect in HfO<sub>2</sub>-based fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) FeFET memory cell is studied by technology computer aided design (TCAD) numerical simulation. The effects of different incident positions and angles of heavy ions and the drain bias voltage on the characteristics of the memory cell are analyzed. The results show that the corresponding polarization state in the HfO<sub>2</sub> ferroelectric layer will not reverse regardless of the change for the incident position of heavy ions, but the transient change of the output voltage for the memory cell will be affected. The most sensitive area is close to the drain-body junction area. Moreover, with the decrease of the ion incidence angle, the peak of output voltage for the memory cell increases. And the effect of the incident angle change is more obvious when reading data is “0” rather than “1”. The peak of output voltage for the memory cell is modulated by the drain bias voltage, and the modulation effect is more obvious when reading data is “1” rather than “0”. The above findings provide theoretical basis and guidance for the anti-single event design of the FDSOI FeFET memory cell.
其正常工作[1,2,3]。单粒子效应作为电离辐射效应的一类。半导体存储器件在单粒 子效应作用下可电离产生电子空穴对,这些电荷被敏感区域收集,导致器件信号 突变而干扰其正常工作。在各种半导体存储器件中,铁电存储器凭借其优异的存 储性能和独特的抗辐射性能引起了科研人员广泛的研究。铁电存储器根据存储单 元结构的不同可以分为电容型和铁电场效应晶体管型存储器。FeFET 与传统的电容型铁电存储器相比,具有集成 度高、非破坏性读出、与互补型金属氧化物半导体(complementary metal oxide semiconductor,CMOS)工艺兼容性好等优点[4,5,6],是目前非易失性存储器件中有 力竞争者。自 J
Changes of polarization intensity for ferroelectric layer when heavy particles incident on different positions of the HfO2-based FDSOI FeFET: (a) when reading “1”; (b) when reading “0”
Transient change of output voltage when heavy particles incident on different positions of the storage unit: (a) when reading “1”; (b) when reading “0”
其正常工作[1,2,3]。单粒子效应作为电离辐射效应的一类。半导体存储器件在单粒 子效应作用下可电离产生电子空穴对,这些电荷被敏感区域收集,导致器件信号 突变而干扰其正常工作。在各种半导体存储器件中,铁电存储器凭借其优异的存 储性能和独特的抗辐射性能引起了科研人员广泛的研究。铁电存储器根据存储单 元结构的不同可以分为电容型和铁电场效应晶体管 (ferroelectric field-effect transistor,FeFET)型存储器。FeFET 与传统的电容型铁电存储器相比,具有集成 度高、非破坏性读出、与互补型金属氧化物半导体(complementary metal oxide semiconductor,CMOS)工艺兼容性好等优点[4,5,6],是目前非易失性存储器件中有 力竞争者。自 J. Trentzsch 等 人 [15] 通 过 在 28 nm 全耗尽绝缘体上硅 (fully-depleted silicon-on-insulating , FDSOI) CMOS 平台中实现了基于 FeFET 的嵌入式非易失性存储器技术,使 HfO2 基 FeFET 可以满足 28 nm 及以下工艺集成的需求。目前还未见粒子入射对 HfO2 基 FDSOI FeFET 存储特性影响的相关报道。 (网刊彩色) 图 1 HfO2 基 FDSOI FeFET: (a)器件模型的截面示意图; (b)存储单元结构示意图 (Color online) Fig. 1.
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