
A brake is a device using which frictional resistance is applied for stopping a moving vehicle. In disc brakes, the component on which the pads are squeezed when the brake pedal is applied. Disc brakes are subjected to both mechanical and thermal stresses. The cyclic thermal stress is more significant than mechanical stress. In this study, three-disc brakes with different profiles are selected to investigate the thermo-mechanical behavior analytically and numerically. This analysis develops a three-dimensional (3D) thermo-structural coupling model, implements transient thermal Analysis and transient structural Analysis of disc brake profiles with a frictional heat. The thermo-structural problem is solved by the finite element method to get the transient temperature and thermal stress fields of the disc brake under emergency braking. Comparison between the three profiles has been made using different parameters, including the maximum temperature on the surface, equivalent thermal stress (Von-Mises), and thermal deformation. The result has shown that the having grooved profile on its surface exhibited 34Mpa of equivalent stress, whereas the solid type and the drilled type have shown 80Mpa and 57Mpa. It also shows that the grooved type brake is efficient by far more magnitude than the other two profiles. In general, the thermal stress developed and thermal deformation on the would significantly decrease when it has a profile that allows for better heat dissipation to the surrounding.

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