ABSTRACT In the current investigation, the counterflow methane/air premixed flame is placed in a plus-shaped burner and analyzed with and without platinum and rhodium catalytic walls. The effect of having the catalysts near the flame on the flame structure and pollutant emission is studied. To solve the problem, ReactingFOAM solver of OpenFOAM platform is used. OpenFOAM is an open-source CFD software that use object-oriented C++ custom-written codes. The ReactingFOAM uses PISO and Simple coupled algorithm method to solve the governing equations. Results indicated that the emission of NO2 is influenced, considerably by the presence of platinum near the lean, stoichiometric, and rich flame. It is also found that the presence of rhodium at the vicinity of the counterflow flame leads to a decrease in the CO formation for the flame with equivalence ratio of 0.7, 1, and 1.3 by 63, 18, and about 0%, respectively.
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