
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.This paper presents a normative study of physical fitness test battery for a local secondary school in New Territories. Test items include hand grip; 30-sec flexed knee sit-ups; sit and reach; endurance run of 800m (girls) and 1000m (boys); and Bailey Bridge test. In order to test for the validity of the Bailey Bridge test, 30-sec straight leg push-ups for boys and knee pushups for girls were also conducted. Norms presented in this paper are categorized by age and gender so that other physical education teachers in secondary schools can use these results for comparison.這篇文章介紹新界區一所中學推行之體適能測試獎勵計劃,測試項目包括手握力、三十秒仰臥起坐、坐前伸、女子800公尺、男子1000公尺跑及拾放豆袋。另外,男子三十秒直腳掌上壓及女子曲腳掌上壓爲附加項目,作用是檢定拾放豆袋測試之有效度,文章提供的常模標準是按性別和年齡組合,其他中學體育老師可利用這些標準作爲比較依據。


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