
Polymerization reactors are characterized by highly nonlinear dynamics, multiple operating regions, and significant interaction among the process variables, and are therefore, usually difficult to control efficiently using conventional linear process control strategies. It is generally accepted that nonlinear control strategies are required to adequately handle such processes. In this work, we develop, implement, and evaluate via simulation a nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) formulation for the control of two classes of commercially relevant low-density polyethylene (LDPE) autoclave reactors, namely, the single, and multi-zone multi-feed LDPE autoclave reactors. Mathematical models based on rigorous, first-principles mechanistic modeling of the underlying reaction kinetics, previously developed by our research group, were extended to describe the dynamic behaviour of the two LDPE autoclave reactors. Unscented Kalman filtering (UKF) based state estimation, not commonly used in chemical engineering applications, was implemented and found to perform quite well. The performance of the proposed NMPC formulation was investigated through a select number of simulation cases on the mathematical ‘plant’ models. The resulting closed-loop NMPC performance was compared with performance obtained with conventional linear model predictive control (LMPC) and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. The results of the present study indicate that the closed-loop disturbance rejection and tracking performance delivered by the NMPC algorithm is a significant improvement over the aforementioned controllers.


  • Continuous polymer ization rt>actors haw~ long been known to exhibit, highly complex and nonlinear rlyuarnica.l behavior

  • Linear con trol methodologies which have traditionally been used for chemical process control are fundamentally iucapable of dealing with the highly nonlinear behavior observed in many polymerization systems, oftentimes resulting in poor control performance

  • In t his Chapter, we evaluate, via simulations. the performance of the N1-'!PC formulation for the control of both sing le and multi-~one LDPE ;mtocla.ve rea.rlors. \Vherever appropriate, we ronLra;:;L the Nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) performancf' direcUy with tha.t of proportional- integral- derivative (PID) and LMPC a lgorithms

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Bifurcation diagram (single-zone autoclave, feed temperature)


R esearch Objectives
Thesis Organization
Literature Review
NMPC of Continuous Polymerization Reactors
Control of LDPE Autoclave Reactors
Control of LDPE Autoclave Reactors model
Chapter 3
Reaction Mechanism
Chain Transfer
Process Modeling
Single-Zone Autoclave Model
Multi-Zone Multi-Feed Autoclave Model
Model Deve lopment
N aminal Formulation
Nominal Formulation
Offset-free Formulation
Offset-free Formulation the plant state a nd dist urb a nce
Target Calculator
Controller Formulation subj ect to
Extended Kalman Filter
Extended Kalman
Unscented Kalman Filter
U nscented Kalman
Unscented Kalman Filter root is of the form P = /PJPT
Results and Discussions
Single-Zone Autoclave
Sing le-Zone Autoclave
Disturbance Model Design
S ingle-Zone
Simulation Results
Controller Tuning Parameters
R esults and Discussion s
Conclusions and Recommendations
R ecommendations
Full Text
Paper version not known

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