
Catalytic surface reaction networks exhibit nonlinear dissipative phenomena, such as bistability. Macroscopic rate law descriptions predict that the reaction system resides on one of the two steady-state branches of the bistable region for an indefinite period of time. However, the smaller the catalytic surface, the greater the influence of coverage fluctuations, given that their amplitude normally scales as the square root of the system size. Thus, one can observe fluctuation-induced transitions between the steady-states. In this work, a model for the bistable catalytic CO oxidation on small surfaces is studied. After a brief introduction of the average stochastic modelling framework and its corresponding deterministic limit, we discuss the non-equilibrium conditions necessary for bistability. The entropy production rate, an important thermodynamic quantity measuring dissipation in a system, is compared across the two approaches. We conclude that, in our catalytic model, the most favorable non-equilibrium steady state is not necessary the state with the maximum or minimum entropy production rate.


  • The study of dissipative systems has been an active research topic during many years, and a plethora of interesting studies have been published [1]

  • With an interest in the deterministic and stochastic behaviour of catalytic surface reaction networks, we focus on a minimalistic model for the bistable catalytic CO oxidation on well-defined crystal surfaces and investigate trends in the entropy production rate when the catalytic system is at a non-equilibrium steady state (NESS)

  • Depending on the initial conditions, the system can end up in a NESS with high or low entropy production rate. We explore whether this conclusion is still valid when the dynamics of the catalytic system are under the influence of the coverage fluctuations

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The study of dissipative systems has been an active research topic during many years, and a plethora of interesting studies have been published [1]. The experimental observations have been rationalised by the theory of stochastic process [27,28] These findings make the bistable CO oxidation on surfaces (an important step in automotive exhaust catalysis [29]) a suitable and interesting framework to study entropy production rate in systems with multiple non-equilibrium steady states. With an interest in the deterministic and stochastic behaviour of catalytic surface reaction networks, we focus on a minimalistic model for the bistable catalytic CO oxidation on well-defined crystal surfaces and investigate trends in the entropy production rate (the basic thermodynamic quantity measuring dissipation) when the catalytic system is at a NESS.

The Bistable Catalytic Reaction Model
Theoretical Framework
Mean-Field Stochastic Description
Deterministic Mean-Field Description
Macroscopic Entropy Production Rate
Results and Discussion
Deterministic Analysis
Stochastic Analysis
Overall CO2 Production Rate
Summary and Conclusions
Full Text
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