
The article analyzes dialectal parallels in the corpus of nominations and folk beliefs of thematic group of childbirth rite vocabulary of Western and Eastern Podilian dialects, which are marginal in relation to the core of the speech. It was noted that in the nomination of childbirth rite of Eastern and Western areas of Podilian dialect, the most frequent is the lexical nomination, expressed by substantives and substantivized attributes, attributive word combinations.
 For each lexical-semantic group, characteristic principles of nomination are defined, in particular, the most productive in both studied areas are: lexical-semantic group of women’s names: action → action figure; age, action → person’s name; number of childbirths → person. Lexical-semantic group of children’s names: action → child’s name; age → child’s name. Lexical-semantic group names of other ritual participants: action, ritual function → doer; actor rank → doer. Lexical-semantic group names of rites: action → name of the rite.
 Most of the lexemes that serve the childbirth rite are known in the dialects of both areas, which confirms their belonging to the Podil dialect, some lexemes recorded in the Western Podil dialects indicate the proximity of these dialects to other dialects of the southwestern dialect of the Ukrainian language.
 In the dialects of both studied areas, there is approximately the same system of prohibitions for a pregnant woman and a newborn child, which is expressed at the syntactic level in the design of complex sentences and the use of various subordinating conjunctions. Cultural texts reflect the phonetic systems of Western and Eastern Podil dialects.

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