
The article deals with gustatives for various dishes detected in the dialects of the two ettlements (Arbuzynka and Kostiantynivka) of Arbuzynka district, Mykolaiv region. They belong to the Western Steppe group (the steppe dialect) of the southeastern supradialect of the Ukrainian language. Glutonyms are an integral part of the Ukrainian dialectical worldview, they form a certain system on the basis of inherited and borrowed vocabulary. A semantic and etymological analysis of the specified fragment of this system is offered. The purpose of the research is to analyze the lexical-semantic peculiarities of gustatives for hot traditional dishes and dishes of vegetable and animal origin, which are common in the dialects of the settlements of Arbuzynka and Kostiantynivka, Arbuzynka district, Mykolaiv region. The source base of the research was field recordings of speech, collected in 2019 according to a specially compiled questionnaire. Twenty recipients took part in the survey. The lexical-semantic group “Hot traditional dishes” and lexical-semantic group “Dishes of animal and vegetable origin”, which are components of the lexical-semantic field “Names of food”, were studied. The dialect vocabulary for designation of first and second dishes, as well as dishes with meat and lard is considered. The lexical-semantic peculiarities of gustatives are studied and their etymology is highlighted. A comparative analysis of the dialect vocabulary of two settlements was carried out. The common and distinctive features of dialect vocabulary and literary norm are determined. Gustatives in the dialects of the studied settlements mostly coincide with the lexemes known to the Ukrainian literary language in terms of semantics, but differ phonetically. There are semantic differences and unequal areal behavior of dish names in dialects of the same district. The prospect of further research is in the expansion of the empirical base of Ukrainian dialectology and in the introduction into scientific circulation of new names of food and drinks common in Western Steppe dialects.

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