
The survey was based on the hypothesis that the elements of the composition, such as point, line, stain, texture, color, light and shade, time and movement can be a composite basis of visual recursive systems (VRS). Therefore, on the basis of visual examination and systematization, was a dedicated group of VRS on the grounds of the formative elements and their analysis. Lines and linear contours are often used by elements of the composition of VRS in graphic design. Such VRS is based on a rhythmic repetition of contour lines in combination with a proportional change in their metric characteristics. Spot as an element of the composition of VRS often reduced to basic shapes: square and rectangular, circular, triangular, ellipsoidal. The spatial form is a priority in the design of components and equipment in environmental design and industrial design. These forms differ in maximum variability and sophistication. Sometimes also form the basis of a planar graphical composition as the simulated volume. Explore movement as an element of the composition, is possible only in General terms because it is at the expense of other elements, certain objects, actions. In the VRS composition, the movement can be considered an auxiliary element in combination with a line, spot, and three-dimensional form creates an additional ideological and emotional stress. Time, light and color as elements of the composition of VRS are auxiliary. They are usually used in combination with other elements of the composition. Line, spot, three-dimensional form, can be independent elements of VRS, then as time, light and color are auxiliary and are used in combination with independent elements.


  • Lines and linear contours are often used by elements of the composition of visual recursive systems (VRS) in graphic design

  • The survey was based on the hypothesis that the elements

  • time and movement can be a composite basis of visual recursive systems

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Lines and linear contours are often used by elements of the composition of VRS in graphic design. В основу дослідження було покладено гіпотезу, що елементи композиції, такі як крапка, лінія, пляма, фактура, текстура, колір, світлотінь, час і рух можуть складати композиційну основу візуальних рекурсивних систем (ВРС). В композиції ВРС рух можна вважати допоміжним елементом, що у поєднанні з лінією, плямою та об’ємно-просторовою формою створює додаткове ідейно-емоційне навантаження. Світло та колір як елементи композиції ВРС виступають допоміжними. Пляма, об’ємно-просторова форма, можуть бути самостійними елементами ВРС, тоді як час, світло та колір є допоміжними та застосовуються в поєднанні з самостійними елементами.

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