
In the film "Ali and the Queens," optimism plays a role in shaping the narrative. This story explains the journey of a disabled person, who dreams of becoming a famous fashion designer. Despite facing many obstacles, Ali did not lose his faith and dreams. Optimism is reflected in the way Ali faces challenges. Even though many people around him doubted his abilities, Ali remained persistent and believed that he could achieve anything he wanted. This is a very positive message, that nothing is impossible if one has a strong determination in oneself. This research aims to contribute to an understanding of how cinematic elements can act as an effective tool in communicating messages of optimism in films. The research method applied is qualitative data analysis on scenes of optimism using a cinematic approach. The research data consists of carefully selected scenes from the film "Ali and Ratu-Ratu Queens". Meticulous shooting ensures that each scene can be captured well, allowing the audience to feel the emotions being conveyed. The research results show that the combination supports the message of optimism in the film. The audience can feel the spirit of Ali's character's struggle in facing life's obstacles because the atmosphere created cinematically provides strong support for the film's narrative. The implications of this research activity are: 1) resilience in facing challenges, 2) the environment for an optimistic attitude, 3) business as a source of inspiration and motivation, 4) the formation of identity and character.

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