
An article is a іnterdisciplinary work, it is at the junction of the record keeping, of the theory and history of press and of the general and applied sоciology written and has to the study of newspaper devoted. An author give the most known definitions of newspaper, every in the course of last century developed. The fundamental subjects of the article are a description of newspaper as a produkt of the print, that is aimed to satisfy the іnformatіon needs of the spokesmen for the various age groups, ananalys is of rating of the newspaper as the source of іnformation and a coverage of main tendencies in the interdisciplinary researches, why special attention is given to sociological aspects of similar researches. An article sums up of study of the development of the modern newspaper as a separat form of the print works beginning from the 1900s to the 2010s, as large classifications of the newspapers had maked. Moreover, is a comparative description of the magazin and newspaper as 2 separat forms of periodical press and objects of the applied sociological researches in the article described. By the study of original sources, that were published over the last 40 years, is established, that in consequence of the digitalization and appearance on the market Іnternet-versions of different publications reduces a rating of the usual printed newspaper gradually by numerous groups of population, in the first place by the young at the age under 30 years, including by students and by persons, who receive their vocational training. This problem remains unresolved and asks subsequente laborations in the field of study іnformationneeds of different categories of readers — as representatives of the native population as the numerous groups of the migrants and refugees, who gets to Germany from the 1950s.

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