Large volumes of mafic igneous rocks are commonly emplaced during Large Igneous Province (LIP) eruptions, and these mafic rocks are often contemporaneous with periods of environmental disturbances, such as global ocean anoxia, and as a result, mass extinctions. The Paraná-Etendeka LIP is no exception, and has been previously correlated with, and interpreted to be the cause of the Valanginian oceanic anoxic event (OAE), a small global environmental disturbance. Here, we present new U-Pb ID-TIMS baddeleyite ages from high-Ti-Sr mafic intrusive rocks from the Paraná LIP, in Brazil. While these data are potentially complicated by the presence of Pb-loss and inheritance, it is possible to interpret geologically meaningful ages from them. The first high-precision age is reported for the type-locality of the Florianópolis Dyke Swarm, in North Santa Catarina Island, which yields an age of 132.53 ± 0.40/0.40/0.42 Ma. We also report an age of 132.07 ± 0.27/0.30/0.33 Ma for a dolerite sill, which intrudes organic-rich sedimentary rocks of the Paraná Basin. The emplacement of high-Ti-Sr magmas at ca. 132 Ma suggests that there was up to 2 Myr of intrusive magmatism in the southern part of the Paraná LIP. Further investigation on the mafic intrusive magmatism from the Paraná LIP through robust high-precision geochronology is required to elucidate the proposed linkage more clearly with environmental changes during the Early Cretaceous.
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