
This article introduces three novel approaches and technologies to the field of mental health and psychiatry, these are: digital sensors, neural network computing, and neuromodulation pacemakers to the brain. Sensors built into devises such as smartphones and smart watches can monitor and diagnose mental disorders. Neural computing simulate how the brain may function in health and disease, thus offering valuable information about possible causes for these disorders. Finally therapeutic interventions can be achieved with brain-pacemakers technologies. Have you ever wondered what technologies such as smartphones could have to do with mental health? When we talk about mental health problems, we are usually referring to difficulties with emotions and thoughts that can affect our daily functioning. There are three new technologies that are revolutionizing how we diagnose and treat mental disorders. The first is the smartphone. Smartphone-based technology enables continuous monitoring of a patient’s mental state and allows doctors to diagnosis, evaluate, and even treat patients from afar. The second technology is neural computing, which seeks to understand the physical, brain-based causes of mental illnesses. Finally, brain pacemaker technologies may make it possible to cure mental illnesses in the same way that pacemakers currently cure heart problems. Keep reading to hear the details of each of these fascinating advances in mental healthcare!

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