
The effects of long rotation periods and heavy low thinning on chestnut ( Castanea sativa Mill.) coppices have been evaluated from a bio-ecological point of view. Aboveground tree biomass and its partitioning, bio-ecological indexes such as litter production, leaf area index (LAI), radiation regime, and growth efficiency have been analyzed for 4 years in thinned and unthinned permanent plots established in a coppice stand aged 11 years under normal rotation (NR) and in a coppice stand aged 35 years under long rotation (LR). A decrease in LAI, litter production and growth rate with the age was observed. LR showed high current annual increments (>16.0 m 3 ha −1 per year and 8.0 Mg ha −1 per year for volume and aboveground biomass, respectively). Only slight differences in growth efficiency were observed. The adoption of heavy thinning (one third of basal area removal) affected stocking and determined significant differences in the light regime below the canopy, amount of gaps in canopy cover and LAI values, particularly in the years immediately after thinning, whereas slight differences were observed in growth efficiency. Nevertheless, chestnut showed a good aptitude, more evident in the younger stand, to re-build a homogeneous canopy cover: only a few years after thinning, canopy cover characteristics of thinned plots were similar to those of control plots and differences were not significant. Growth and increments in thinned plots were practically the same as in control plots, a consequence of consistently higher performances of released trees in the thinned plots. The results concur to a positive evaluation of a cultivation system based on long rotation periods and heavy thinnings, not only for the obtainable revenue, but especially from a bio-ecological point of view and make it a valid alternative either to abandonment or traditional over-exploitation of chestnut coppice stands.

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