
The outcome of the discourse about the modernization in Russia should be summed up. The postindustrial social structure failed to withdraw the economy out of the long-term stagnation. As for the digital economy, it appeared non-performing as well. Probably, our scenario should be a mixed economy. Such a structure of all economic systems suggests the whole experience of the country being useful. Objective. It is to define a development and modernization conception when a high level of education and culture becomes a substantial factor of a faster development. These particular components will help to make the economy function successfully, formulate urgent tasks, and find mechanisms of implementing them. An economic version based on a new type agriculture using newest agricultural technologies and being environmentally safe, is widely considered at present. What is principle here is the necessity in a totally new image of an agricultural settlement from the viewpoint of architecture and design. A really modern, smart, and well-functioning infrastructure will give a chance to attract specialists possessing a high level education and new thinking. Methods. New agricultural settlement concepts should be worked out on the basis of the country’s greatest experience. In the conditions of Russia’s climate, it is useful to take into account traditional, “Soviet, and supermodern ways of economy management. Searches for sources of architectural projects of Soviet agricultural settlements appeared a most hard task. Perhaps, it can be accounted for by intensive building and new territory development difficulties. Anyhow, there were many forms for specialized farms and settlements: kolkhozes, cooperatives, and industrial type settlements; they exist now, too. An experience variety, accumulated by many generations, will allow creating a mixed economy and solving modernization and faster development problems. Particularly this thesis was accepted as a basis for creating actual conceptions of agricultural settlements at the Chair of Design and Art History. This work resulted in model complexes, made by student creative teams developing their own project ideas. The main aim of these projects was not a mere search for a conception of a country settlement but a creation of an image of a really up-to-date, comfortable, and, what is important, harmonic, environmentally sustainable and beautiful area, the one that suggests development and maintaining environmentally sustainable state of itself.

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