
In this paper, a study of new design of pentagonal microstrip patch antenna for wireless communications applications. The proposed antenna has regular pentagonal patch (provide dual bands (2.6-7.5) GHz, (8.7-20) GHz) which is modified to irregular shape with the same area to obtain better characteristics from bandwidth and gain point of view and offer gain vary from -3dBi to 3dBi. It is noted that the final pass band (i.e. S11≤-10dB) is (2.6-20) GHz. The gain is improved by making slots in the irregular pentagonal patch to be in the range between (-0.95dBi - 4.4dBi). Both the irregular pentagonal antenna without slots and with slots are fabricated and tested practically using vector network analyzer (VNA) for the reflection coefficients (S11), voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and input impedance. Each of these antennas regular pentagonal patch, irregular pentagonal patch without slots and with slots are printed on FR4 having relative dielectric constant er=4.3, and loss tangent (tanδ) of 0.02. It is printed on (33 x 30 x 1.6) mm3 substrate. It is found that the simulation results and the measured results agree mostly, the small error is attributed to the fabrication error. It is concluded that the irregular pentagonal antenna with slots provide better characteristics.

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