With the creation of a global computer network, the internet, all manner of information has become available to scientists and everyone else around the world. The exchange of information gives scientists insight into the most recent scientific discoveries while enabling them at the same time to use the information for their research. Scientists and experts must be sure that their colleagues' research is valid, objective and the results complete. These scientific research characteristics represent scientific honesty. Scientific misconduct can take various forms and can be present in all phases of the scientific research process, but most commonly takes the form of fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. The reasons for scientific misconduct can be personal, professional and financial. There is also a "grey zone", which consists of data manipulation and selection, reference citing mistakes, multiple and salami publications, problematic authorships. Every type of misconduct has a detrimental effect on the scientific community. In the public eye, scientists are benevolent seekers of truth with high moral integrity, whose work is of key value to society. Any type of scientific misconduct serves to dishonour the scientific community but also brings confusion into the work of other researchers, therefore significantly slowing down scientific discovery in whole. Digitalization and technological advancement significantly contribute to the early discovery, elimination and sanctioning of any kind of research misconduct. A significant improvement in solving these problems can be achieved through adequate education of young researchers and introducing laws that precisely define penalties for breaking the code of good scientific practice.
Iako su bili svesni problema vezanih za FFP, najveći utacaj na rad su imali problemi vezani za radno okruženje, kao što su odnosi sa kolegama i pritisci vezani za objavljivanje radova [18]
Tokom trajanja spora Hwang je nastavio da radi u privatnoj laboratoriji, Sooam Bioengineering Research Institute u Ionginu, provinciji Džiondži (Gieonggi), gde je sprovodio istraživanja u cilju stvaranja kloniranih embriona svinja i njihove upotrebe za stvaranje embrionalnih linija matičnih ćelija
Ethical shades of gray: International frequency of scientific misconduct and questionable research practices in health professions education
Slobodan TODOROVIĆ1,2, Borislav TOŠKOVIĆ1,2, Nataša ČOLAKOVIĆ2,3, Davor MRDA2,4, Jasna GAČIĆ1,2, Tatjana TODOROVIĆ2,5. Formiranjem globalne računarske mreže, odnosno pojavom interneta, naučnicima ali i svima ostalima širom sveta, postale su dostupne razne informacije iz svih oblasti. Razmena informacija pružila je uvid u najnovija naučna dostignuća, ali je istovremeno omogućila naučnicima da koriste informacije za sopstvena istraživanja. Naučno nepoštenje može se javiti u različitim oblicima, i u svim fazama naučno-istraživačkog procesa, a najčešće se javlja u vidu fabrikovanja, falsifikovanja i plagijarizma. Formiranjem globalne mrežne, odnosno pojavom interneta, naučnicima širom sveta, postale su dostupne razne informacije iz svih naučnih oblasti. Pružila je uvid u svetske trendove i najnovija istraživanja, ali je istovremeno omogućila drugim naučnicima, da koriste informacije za sopstvene ideje i rezultate. Imajući u vidu kvalitet naučnog rada, naučnici i javnost moraju biti sigurni da su istraživanja njihovih kolega istinita, objektivna, a rezultati istraživanja kompletni. Treba imati na umu da je svaki prekršaj u nauci neprihvatljiv, da će se pre ili kasnije otkriti, i tada izazvati ozbiljne posledice, ne samo za autora i tu naučnu oblast, već i za širu naučnu zajednicu
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