
Women are loaded with double-burden of official chores and household chores. It is crucial to identify the amount of time they are getting for leisure pursuits and also to fathom whether they are being coerced to negotiate with their leisure time. Scholars of Sociology have identified, leisure time is when one is free from obligatory activities. It is important to understand whether women who are doubly burdened at all have time away from obligatory activities and whether they can exercise their choice during leisure time. The present study is mainly based on secondary data including journal articles, book chapters, newspapers and so on. The objectives of the present study are, firstly, to find out whether working women, unmarried or married who have to take care of their families get sufficient leisure time, secondly, to find out how far does their leisure time and activity is manifested according to their own choice. Some studies have identified, even during their leisure time they usually cater to the needs of their family, either they stitch clothes for their children or spouse or they organize house parties for their husband and his friends and so on. The concern of ‘choice’ has to be addressed in this case and whether ‘choice’ too can be socially constructed. Satisfaction during leisure time creates sense of fulfilment and is an absolute necessity for well-being.

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