
Both magnetic and electric field dependences of transport coefficients are investigated on the layered material Ti 1- x V x Se 2 ( x = 0.01). In contrast to semimetallic TiSe 2, the resistivity of the V-doped samples increases with decrease of temperature even in the low temperature region. At liquid helium temperatures it is found that the resistivity is strongly dependent on electric field strength. The behaviour of the nonlinear conduction is similar to that observed in 1 T-TaS 2. In the low field (Ohmic) region anomalously large negative mangetoresistance is observed, Δϱ/ ϱ 0 = -80% at 1.6 K and 60 KOe. Moreover the Hall coefficient is also found to depend on both magnetic and electric fields. All the experimental data suggests that mobile carriers are excited by the applied fields.

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