
The article discusses the problems of the development of native advertising as one of the subspecies of communication activity. The promotion of goods and services in the digital age is complicated by the permanently increasing competition of both media marketing strategies and the end-to-end digital technologies they use. The purpose of the article is to study the specifi cs and infl uencing potential of native advertising as an eff ective way to attract and retain the attention of representatives of various groups of the mass audience, which, as it is proved, is extremely relevant for the practice of modern media. The key theoretical basis of the study is the conceptual position on the “natural status” of advertising for the consumer, developed in the works of researchers. By using the service monitoring and Analytics for native advertising (https://spyover.com), but also with the examples, obtained using search engines Yandex, Google, the authors for the analysis were selected in the period 2021–2023 gg. 308 texts. Further, the content performing an informational and entertainment function with a high degree of pragmatism and creativity in the approach to the implementation of the tasks set by the subjects of information activity was systematized by type and taking into account the factors of an individual approach to the consumer. The results of the conducted research include the specifi cation (using examples) of conditions under which not only strategic advertising mechanics are important, but also ways of their implementation through texts. At this stage of the study, the authors note, the eff ectiveness of media activity was assessed as a strictly quantitative interaction with the audience - by the number of views, likes, in some cases - by the number of sales, direct appeals, etc. At the same time, the problem of the mutual infl uence of neuromarketing and native advertising, also stated and partially refl ected in the article, is indicated in the conclusion as one of the most important areas of further development of scientists in the fi eld of native advertising

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