
The relevance of researching this topic lies in the fact that national security is an important condition for functioning and development of an individual, society and the state. Today, problems in the sphere of national security are characterized by a large number of threats of various levels; many of such threats are global, including military conflicts and wars. Abstract-logical method, analysis, synthesis, historical method, comparison method, induction method, deduction method, generalization method, modeling method in order to determine the methodological support for studying theoretical and historical foundations of ensuring national security in conditions of martial law. Taking into account the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, formation of new international military alliances, formation of international cooperation with the aim of strengthening security of the world community, identification of innovative ways of developing international and global security, today the issue of identifying modern problems of ensuring national security in wartime conditions is actualized. It was concluded that only cooperation can solve the urgent strategic tasks of ensuring national security in difficult world conditions and new globalization challenges.

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