
Ozet Makalede Nahcivan'in Orta Tunc cagi sanatsal yapilari ogrenilmistir. Belirlenmisdir ki, kemikcilik, tas isleme ve seramikcilik Nahcivan'in en eski sanat alanidir. Onlar yapildigi malzeme ve teknolojisine, uzerindeki desenlere gore farklilik olusturuyor. Nahcivan seramikcilerinin yapmis oldugu kil kaplar dini inanclar ve gunluk kullanim seramiki olmak uzre gruplanmaktadir. Ayni caga ait arkeolojik malzemelerin benzerleri Guney Kafkasya, Urmiye Havzasi ve Dogu Anadolu'da rastlanmistir. Abstract The article handicraft have been learnt in the Nakhchivan late middle bronze age. It was defined that bone development, masonry and pottery was one of the ancient craftsmanship areas in Nakhichivan. The bone and pottery products differed from one another in their size, shape, ornaments on them, the material the were made of and the technology. The pottery products made by Nakhichivan potters were divided into two groups-welfare and kitchen ceramics. Their similar monuments in the same period the archaeological materials found in the South Caucasus, Urmia basin and Eastern Anatolia.

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