
“Muslim Geographies,” a conference and public lecture organized byRichard Phillips (University of Liverpool) with support from the Economic&Social Research Council (ESRC Research Grant RES-000-22-1785), tookplace on 4-5 April 2008 at Liverpool University and the Merseyside MaritimeMuseum. The event had several goals: to draw together and advancegeographical research involving Muslims, provide a forum for debate aboutthe spaces that shapeMuslimlives, and establish informed dialogue betweenMuslims and non-Muslims as well as between academics and activists.These goals were pursued through a public lecture and debate, to whichmembers of Muslim, activist, and other local communities were invited. Tomake the conference as inclusive as possible, the eventwas free, some of the sessions were held off-campus, and researchers in architecture, sociology,religious studies, anthropology, public policy, geography, and other disciplineswere invited to participate.The opening session, “Envisaging Geographies of, for, and byMuslims,”traced current trends and future directions in geographical research involvingMuslims. Peter Hopkins (Newcastle) presented, and the ensuing discussionfeatured panelists Claire Dwyer (University College London), Ayona Datta(London School of Economics), and Kevin Dunn (New South Wales). Thepanelists complicated the term Muslim geographies by acknowledging theheterogeneity of Muslims’ experiences and identities and expressed concernabout how academic research represents Muslims. Nevertheless, they identifiedthe purchase of geographical research on key areas of Muslim life,including their integration, relationships, surveillance, and identities ...

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