In the changing human living environment, medicine has become an important aspect. Although human beings are progressing gradually, physical health continues to pose many challenges to human beings. In general, irregular eating habits and an undisciplined lifestyle are the reasons for deterioration of physical health. Although modern medicine provides solutions for diseases that arise from time to time, there is no doubt that following the right way of life as prescribed by ancient medicine helps one to lead a healthy life throughout their lifetime. In this regard, the medical treatment practices followed by people in their daily life during various periods can be known through the study of literature that emerged during those times. Tamil literature also contains many medical references necessary for the people. The Patinenkilkkanakku Texts are the compilations made during the Sangam period. The Patinenkilkkanakku Texts are generally texts that preach moral values. However, many verses contain references to ancient medicine. This article aims to study the medical-related practices found in the three texts called Mummaṟuntu Nūls (Triple Root Treatises) - Ēlāti, Tirikāṭukam and Ciṟupañcamūlam - among the Patinenkilkkanakku Texts. The ancient Tamils gave great importance to maintaining a healthy physical lifestyle in their daily life. They inculcated good conduct and discipline in people's minds and thereby enabled them to lead a disease-free life. By reading the Mummaṟuntu Nūls (Triple Root Treatises), we can understand that they made people lead a life free from diseases through inculcating good conduct and discipline. We can appreciate the greatness of these texts as they reveal medical thoughts that are relevant even for today's people.
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