
Relevance of research topic. In condition of globalization and a difficult demographic situation, the strategic management of human resources plays a decisive role, both in the planned development of the organization and in the socio-economic development of the state. Formulation of the problem. Building an effective system of strategic management of human resources at the organization level without taking into account external factors is a utopian task. Setting the task, the purpose of the study. The aim of the study is to consider a multi-level system of strategic management of human resources. In this article, the following research objectives are set: 1) to determine the multi-level structure of the strategic management of human resources; 2) to identify the influence of external factors on the strategic management of the organization. Method or methodology for conducting research. The study was conducted using an analytical and comparative method, observation, surveys, interviewing top and middle managers (42 people). Presentation of the main material (results of work). In this article, the importance of the influence of external factors on the functioning of the organization is indicated. The results of the study on the application of a multi-level approach in the strategic management of human resources are also reflected. Conclusions according to the article. The study emphasizes the need to take into account external factors, state and regional policies in strategic development. The use of a multi-level approach in the strategic management of human resources will ensure the achievement of a systemic synergistic effect.

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