
The article substantiates the need to create a team management model in the system of strategic human resources management. Under the conditions of a changing environment and military operations in Ukraine, the coordinated work of teams is the key to the successful implementation of the project. An important role in team management is played by the personal qualities of each team member and professional competence, as it helps to be mobile and reduce the adaptation process in a new temporary team. It is proposed to highlight three main areas of influence of team management in the system of strategic management of human resources: formation of the mission, vision, strategic goals of the organization (strategic planning); strategy implementation (development of tactical and operational plans, their implementation); reduction of resistance to changes by the organization's collective. A corresponding structural and logical scheme has been developed. The experience of the leading companies of the world and Ukraine is summarized and the priority areas of development of the modern model of team management in the system of strategic management of human resources are determined. The research defines the role of team management, which is constantly growing as a result of the development of information technologies. The authors focused attention on the change from individual to collective learning. This is realized due to innovative teaching methods. Ensuring the implementation of the strategic goals of the teams under modern conditions is that they have to be implemented in an extremely changing environment. implementation of the system of strategic management of human resources on the basis of developed team management ensures high efficiency of strategic management, which generally ensures the achievement of high competitive positions of the organization in the short and long term.

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