
The study of the experience of the European Union in solving the problems of the weak development of agriculture as a sensitive sector and the polarization of the socio-economic living conditions of residents in rural areas has an applied value for the implementation of this experience in Ukraine, which determines the relevance and novelty of this research. The object of the research is the tools of the state innovation policy for the development of agricultural production and rural areas of the EU. The subject of this study is the experience of the European Union in supporting the development of agriculture, as a sensitive industry, and increased support for the development of certain depressed regions of the EU in order to reduce their socio-economic depolarization. The purpose of this work is to justify the need to strengthen state policy and its tools for the innovative development of agricultural production and rural areas on the example of the settlement of relevant issues in the European Union. The practical significance of the results lies in the possibility of practical application of the recommendations regarding the definition of instruments of the state innovation policy for the development of agricultural production and rural areas in Ukraine. To achieve the goal, the following were used: а systematic analysis of the evolution of solving the issue of the common agricultural policy of the European Union, which contributed to the formation of recommendations for the definition of innovative tools of state policy for the development of agricultural production and rural areas in Ukraine; management approach - to strengthen the control function of state management in the implementation of state programs related to the support of agriculture as a sensitive industry and the development of rural areas. Conclusions. The development of sensitive industries in each country has not only economic, but also social and political significance, since it is about preserving jobs, consumer opportunities of the population, generating GDP and deducting taxes to the local and state budget, reducing the depolarization of economic growth between individual regions and strata population, and, therefore, socio-political peace in the state. The multifacetedness of this issue affects the decisions of the governments of countries and international integration groups, in particular the EU, whose experience is very useful for research and further implementation in Ukraine. The starting point for the effectiveness of the Program for the Sustainable Development of the Agricultural Industry in Ukraine is a comprehensive approach to solving the problems of increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural production and leveling significant disparities in the socio-economic development of rural areas. These tasks are two sides of the same problem, due to the neglect of which it is possible not only to lose a large number of small and medium-sized Ukrainian villages, but also to face the fact of food insecurity, which threatens the national security of Ukraine. Special attention in the process of implementation of the Program for the Sustainable Development of the Agricultural Industry in Ukraine is needed by the control function, which must be carried out permanently and qualitatively.

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