AbstractInternational Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF, WHO, 2001) is a constructive framework for quality assessment and treatment in Logopedics (Speech Language Therapy). The current research study makes an attempt to introduce this standard into logopedical practice and applied research to measure the quality of life of persons with fluency disorders, such as stuttering. The quality of life is a modern multidimensional construct that covers health-medical, psychological, social and economic factors. Good level of communication and stabilized fluency is of key importance to improve the quality of life of persons who stutter.The purpose of the study was to show a model of assessment, treatment and evaluation of the efficacy of the non-avoidance approach in adult stuttering therapy.Methods: CharlesVan Riper’s non-avoidance approach for an intensive therapy. Participants were 15 adults who stutter with an average age 25.2 years.Results: Specific significant decreasing of the two main parameters: index of dysfluencies immediately after the intensive therapy as well as duration of disfluences in seconds. The changes in speech fluency before and after the intensive therapy as well as 3 years after this therapy were obtained regarding the duration of disfluencies and index of dysfluency.Conclusion: The present model of an intensive non-avoidance therapy format for adults with stuttering disorders was successfully applied for the Bulgarian conditions. Improved fluency is an important factor for quality of life improvement of persons with stuttering disorder.
Research status in the relevant topic in BulgariaAccording to WHO the understanding of the ICF model in respect to stuttering as a type of fluency disorder requires interdisciplinary interpretation and competence [1]
Истражување на самооценката на лица кои пелтечат / Research on the stutterer's selfassessment Детална оценка на говорното искуство на лицето кое пелтечи - мерење на квалитетот на животот / Comprehensive diagnosis of the speech experience of the person who stutters measuring the quality of life
Therapy was for a limited time, this stuttering non-avoidance approach intensive therapy provided the clients with new key experiences and feelings that allowed them to progress based on their own effort
Research status in the relevant topic in BulgariaAccording to WHO the understanding of the ICF model in respect to stuttering as a type of fluency disorder requires interdisciplinary interpretation and competence [1]. It is known that Yaruss and Quesal [2] adapted the ICF for the needs of Logopedics (SpeechLanguage Pathology or Therapy) They propose that the classification should be adopted as a framework for reporting the speech therapy efficiency in relation to stuttering. Резултатите од интезивната логопедска терапија на лица кои пелтечат од различна возраст, беа објавени во престижни меѓународни научни списанија [3, 4, 5]. Здравствена комуникација, социјални и психолошки услуги за лица кои пелтечат со цел да се подобри квалитетот на животот на клиентите од југозападниот регион на Бугарија, кој го вклучува и главниот град Софија. Исто така, се прави обид за воведувања на МКФ-стандардната практика во логопедијата и во применетите логопедски истражувања за мерење на различните исходи кај лицата кои пелтечат
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