
The high spin structure of the nucleus 178W has been studied following the 170Er( 13C,5n) reaction. Many previously unidentified rotational bands are seen based on high- K, 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-quasiparticle structures, some of which are isomeric. The excitation energies of the multi-quasiparticle bandheads are compared with BCS calculations, including residual interactions. The bands show substantial increases in moments-of-inertia with increasing quasiparticle number. These are examined in terms of pairing blocking. The effect of blocked pairing is also taken into account in the calculation of g-factors, which supports the configuration assignments. The K π = 25 +, 8-quasiparticle band forms the yrast line from its bandhead upwards. This bandhead is a 220 ns isomer whose decay is strongly hindered, compared to the decay of the four- and six-quasiparticle structures.

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