
According to the results of a sociological study of activists of youth associations and using a questionnaire conducted in 2019 (N = 350 people according to the quota-target sample), the paper reveals the motives for youth participation in these organizations. The author interprets motivation as a combination of interrelated personal and social preferences of young people, correlated with their promising expectations. It depends, to a large extent, on the variety, social orientation of the association, the opportunities it provides for the self-development of the individual. The popularity of youth associations depends on their influence on the socio-economic, socio-cultural development of the region, country, and on their opportunities to provide conditions for the manifestation of a person’s creative abilities in the process of interaction with other participants. The main motivation to participate in the activities of various youth associations is personal self-realization. It is ensured by the fact that joint activity allows a young person to fully demonstrate his knowledge, skills, and abilities. Such activity also ensures the spiritual, physical, intellectual development of the new generation. A significant motivation is the development of communication skills, the expansion of social ties with peers, the acquisition of new competencies that allow people to adapt to the new requirements of a rapidly changing world.

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