
In the conditions of severe competition and global market processes, modern enterprises often face the problem of maintaining strong positions in the market of goods and services, adapting to changes in external environment and choosing more effective directions for improving economic activities. Accelerating of scientific and technical progress, which leads to higher requirements to living standards, growing new needs, as well as social and public problems, requires enterprises to respond immediately to the challenges of market demands, both at the level of interaction with external environment and in the plane of their internal corporate structure. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure a high level of internal motivation, to observe the balance of interests of consumers and external counterparties and to maintain stable positions that will ensure the achievement of a high level of competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise. The motivation of economic activities of enterprises in modern market environment is based on the formation and support of their positive image, competitive advantages and positioning of the unique image of the enterprise both in the minds of consumers and in the minds of the staff. In these conditions, human capital is one of the main factors of successful economic activity of enterprises and the bearer of their corporate values. Today, the motivation of economic activity of enterprises by developing a mechanism of internal motivational system, based on the use of tools and technologies of HR branding, is becoming increasingly important, that allows to eliminate internal corporate conflicts related to the multiplicity of interests, to strengthen the positions of enterprises in market environment and to rise their сompetitiveness level

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