
Motivation comes from Latin and originates from the Latin verb movere, which means moving. In everyday life, motivation is associated with the idea of a driving force that leads us to an activity. Motivation is one of the most important learning factors, but one of the most difficult to measure. It is defined as the inner state that induces, maintains and directs the behavior of an individual towards achieving a goal, therefore has a fundamental role in learning. Motivation can be seen from the aspect of general and specific motivation. The general motivation for learning is a broad and lasting characteristic that relates to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in different learning situations. Specific motivation is the motivation for acquiring knowledge in a particular school subject. Two important personality traits are manifested through motivation: perseverance and persistence. Motivation for learning gradually declines during education, especially when moving from one level of education to another. In educational practice, there are many limitations that produce unrealistic expectations that all students will be motivated to learn all the teaching content from all subjects. There are numerous motivation theories, such as: theories of needs, cognitive theory, behavioral, humanistic theories. This paper deals with the theory of flow experience, attribute theory and theory of expectations and values. Depending on the determination of motivation as a personality trait or a temporary state, or a combination of lines and states, we distinguish intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Based on the general determinations and the characteristic of motivation, it is important for students to encourage lifelong learning and the development of personal competencies. Stressing that the objectives of the guidance that reduce the gap between what they are currently in and where they want to be. Regardless of whether they are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated, learners need to learn to set goals in the next development area, which are realistic, concrete, and achievable. Professionals working in the education system should be authentic, honest, enthusiastic, to believe, and expect students to achieve their goals.

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